If you want a long-lasting rainwater harvesting tank, particularly one that offers a high capacity, you'll probably end up finding yourself choosing between either concrete or steel. Though concrete has a few advantages, these mostly address niche requirements. For example, concrete is excellent when the tank is to be buried beneath areas that might take heavy loads, such as driveways.

For most people, a steel rainwater harvesting tank is more advantageous, and here are just four reasons why.

1. Lower Cost

Cost is almost always going to be a factor, and people tend to turn away from concrete water tanks after investigating prices. Concrete is a very heavy material that also consumes a lot of energy during production. It requires plenty of labour to create, and the raw materials will cost a lot – as such, concrete water tanks are among the most expensive. In contrast, steel tanks are incredibly cheap thanks to an easy production process and relatively light weight.

2. Easier Installation

It takes a lot longer to put together a concrete water tank than a steel water tank. A steel version can usually be delivered pre-made, but that's impossible with a concrete tank due to their immense weight. At best, they can be delivered piece by piece, or your tank will need to be manufactured on-site. Thanks to their weight, concrete tanks require extensive foundation work, and you'll probably have more heavy vehicles visiting your property during construction.

3. Superior Reliability

Both steel and concrete are very strong materials, but there's very little flexibility in concrete compared to steel. Whereas steel can bend slightly due to pressure or temperature changes, concrete cannot. As such, cracks are relatively common with concrete tanks, and repairs can be expensive. In some cases, a plastic liner may be needed, and buying and fitting one of these can be very expensive. Steel is far more reliable, and, if any damage does occur, you'll find that repair work is usually quite straightforward and cost-effective.

4. Unaffected Taste

One thing people don't often consider when it comes to concrete water tanks is how that material might affect the taste of their water. Unfortunately, concrete contains lime, and that can alter the taste of water and increase its pH level. This isn't always going to be a problem, but it's still something to keep in mind, especially considering the fact that steel rainwater harvesting tanks won't present the same issue. 
